Stichwort Church Of Satan
Satanis: The Devil's Mass

Satanis: The Devil's Mass

Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults

Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults

The Devil Worshippers

The Devil Worshippers

An American Satan

An American Satan

The Edge of Evil: The Rise of Satanism in North America

The Edge of Evil: The Rise of Satanism in North America

Speak of the Devil

Speak of the Devil

America's Best Kept Secret

America's Best Kept Secret

8-8-88 Church of Satan Mansonite Rally

8-8-88 Church of Satan Mansonite Rally

Signale aus dem Jenseits - Okkulte Phänomene

Signale aus dem Jenseits - Okkulte Phänomene

Inside the Church of Satan

Inside the Church of Satan

The Devil Made Me Do It

The Devil Made Me Do It